
The following describes specific service types within each of our core service areas. In all of our work, we take a systems view, bring a movement-oriented lens, and activate principles of equity in both our processes and product development.

Learning and Evaluation

Articulate the role of data and learning in your programmatic and organizational strategies, develop strategic learning frameworks, and understand the centrality of embedding equity in your culture and practice of learning to unlock potential for achieving better, more equitable outcomes.

Specific learning and evaluation service types include:

  • Theory of Change development at the program and organizational levels as the foundation and blueprint for systematic learning to achieve more equitable outcomes. We guide teams through inclusive processes to interrogate, strengthen, and articulate with clarity and specificity what you do, with whom, why, and to what end.

  • Coaching on organizational culture and practice of learning to achieve more equitable outcomes. We assess the strength of organizations’ learning cultures and the degree to which they are grounded in and activating principles of equity and provide coaching and consulting on how to improve in service of better outcomes for the communities you serve.

  • Development of strategic learning frameworks, also commonly called ME&L (Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning) frameworks. Grounded in Theory of Change, we support the development of a strategic learning agenda with powerful questions, actionable data elements, and inclusive processes for reflection and decision-making on how to continuously improve over time.


Move beyond conventional strategic planning processes by defining the imperatives for planning at this time, given the context of organizational lifecycle stage and the ecosystem within which your organization operates, to right-size the planning process and approach accordingly.

Specific strategy-related service types include:

  • Coaching and consulting on development of strategic imperatives – the current, pressing issues and questions that an organization is facing given where it is in its organizational lifecycle and the context and landscape within which it operates – to design a strategic planning process that is grounded and focused (rather than broad and far-flung).

  • Strategic plan development. Grounded in strategic imperatives, we design and facilitate inclusive processes to articulate a long-term vision, 10-year Big Goal, and timebound (3-5 year) strategic goals and objectives.

  • Strategic plan review, reflection, and refresh processes. On annual, two-year, or three-year cycles, we support reflection on progress towards strategic goals and objectives to promote accountability, honor and celebrate accomplishments, and refresh the plan in alignment with the 10-year Big Goal and long-term vision.

Building Skills & Organizational Strength

Take your organizational and programmatic skillsets and ability to achieve better, more equitable outcomes by learning and integrating new approaches and frameworks that center principles of equity into culture and practice.

Specific skill-building and organizational strengthening service types include:

  • Coaching and consulting on integrating Strategic Plans and Theories of Change to align internal evaluation and learning frameworks and practices with strategy to facilitate ongoing reflection to drive ongoing improvements that achieve more equitable outcomes.

  • Coaching to Boards of Directors on their role in driving organizational learning culture and practice, including setting the strategic direction for the role of data (broadly defined, including stories and insights from diverse perspectives) in achieving progress towards mission, long-term vision, and timebound strategic goals and objectives. 

  • Cohort-based capacity-building for portfolios of organizations around internal evaluation and learning culture and practice to achieve stronger and more equitable outcomes over time.

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